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Book Club (Fiction): True by Sara Novic


Join us to discuss Sara Novic’s novel True.

The BBS Fiction Book Club provides members of our extended community the opportunity to meet for a casual night of lively book-focused conversation. The Club meets on the first Thursday of each month to discuss a book selected by one of the Brewster Book Store bookselling team.

Upcoming Fiction Book Club selections are announced at the bookclub meeting and in the monthly newsletter. The book club title-of-the-month is on sale for 20% off for the entire month prior to the book club meeting.

The meeting is capped at 12 each month; however, in any given month over 40 members of the BBS community read the selected title and informal in-store discussion occurs regularly!

Interested in joining our August meeting? Sign-up here, in the store or on our social media platforms.

August 2

Kids-Create: Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin

August 4
