We’ve got a new look!

“With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?” - Oscar Wilde

We’ve got a new look! After celebrating our 40th birthday last spring, we began exploring new images to represent the store’s next 40 years. The result: a new logo and website, created by the uber-talented Ash + Air Creative.

Why florals, you ask?  Did you know that the store has a deep connection with flowers?

  • Local landscape designer Donald MacKenzie (my brother!) has long been the creative vision behind our gardens. They have won awards; passersby stop to complement them or ask about a specific flower. John Allard even collected and grew seed from the gaura. (You can now buy the plants at Allard Farm.) Sue has expanded the front gardens by adding raised planters, and she has embarked on developing our own Secret Garden behind the store. 

  • Our bookseller and sidelines buyer Michelle and I both have small flower farms. We practice regenerative farming techniques - everything we do is with the land’s health in mind. The bouquets sold at Brewster Book Store are designed with our locally, sustainably grown flowers. 

  • Check out our small but mighty gardening section, which has everything from gorgeous coffee table books like French Blooms (by Sandra Sigman 0f Les Fleurs) to roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-dirty guides such as The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments by Nigel Palmer.

Plus, we see a connection between books and flowers. As Oscar Wilde points out, they both bring happiness. Book lovers, we know this, right? But did you know that bibliotherapy is a thing? I didn’t! Personally, I don’t need science to tell me that there is also a correlation between happiness and flowers, but I was intrigued to learn that different colored flowers have different effects on people. 

Really, in short, we just love flowers. And as we say around the store, reading makes your mind bloom.


Worried that the new look means a big change? That we are tossing out our original logo? Or - worse yet - losing our way? Fear not! We have always been and will continue to be a book lover’s bookstore. And our beloved store logo, drawn by Jane MacKenzie, represents the store’s deep history. Side note: Did you know that while Jane has spent over 40 years as The Brewster Book Store’s manager, bookbuyer, and bookseller, she is first and foremost an award-winning artist? We will continue to use and celebrate the logo to honor our long history. 


I scream, you scream, we all scream…